Thursday, March 26, 2009

Welcome Spring

Well our lives have been very busy lately that is why I have not had time to post. Colin is doing great! He is getting so big and his personality is even bigger. He is all smiles and laughs... Patrick and I are loving it and cannot get enough! When we put Colin in front of a mirror he just smiles at himself... even he knows how cute he is. He is talking up a storm and loves to say "da, da, da, da"! His proud daddy could not be happier! We are having to watch Colin constantly now because he is learning to roll over. He can roll from his tummy to his back and has rolled from his back to his tummy. Once he puts the two together we are going to have a wild man on our hands. When we put him on his tummy he pushes himself so we can tell he is working on crawling. He is growing up so fast. I find myself not wanting to blink because I might miss something.
This past weekend we went to Rock Hill, SC for Patrick's cousin Ryan's wedding. Ryan and Casey had such a beautiful wedding it was so nice to get to see the whole family. We got to have our first dance with Colin at the reception. Colin did great on the trip and I think he had a great time! Some of the pictures are from the wedding. All the festivities wore him out, but we had such a good time. All I can say is life is good! I praise God that Colin is so healthy and happy. Hopefully the warm weather will get here and stay so that we can get Colin outside and playing! We are already working on playing in the water in preparation for swimming this summer. He is going to be a little fish in no time!