Friday, November 21, 2008

Growing too big too fast...

Sorry we have not blogged sooner, but we have been staying busy. Colin will be 6 weeks old on Monday and I cannot believe it. He is growing so big so quickly! His personality is coming out more and more. We are eager to celebrate our first big holiday with Colin. This Thanksgiving we have so much to be thankful for. Each day I thank God for giving us our precious angel. He is more than I could have ever asked for. When he smiles my heart just melts. As you can see by the picture he is growing up to be a Gamecock fan just like his daddy. It is so cute to see Patrick holding our son while he is watching the game. Even though Colin is not very interested right now too soon he will be cheering on the Gamecocks along side his dad.
Well I have 7 weeks before I have to be back at work and I am dreading it. It will be great to get back to doing what I love, but leaving Colin is going to be so hard. Good news is... day care is opening up! Colin has been on the waiting list for 6 child care centers and 2 of them have spots open. One place is right up the road from the house and is a wonderful place. We are still looking into other options, but at least we know he has this option available. Luckily Patrick is off one day a week and so am I so Colin will only be in child care 3 days a week. Right now I am just going to enjoy being at home with him and cherish each second!
We want to say Happy Thanksgiving to all of our friends and family. We pray each of you have a wonderful day and time with family. We are thankful for each of you!