Monday, January 26, 2009

Is the craziness over yet?

Sorry it has been so long since we have been on here to blog, but life at our house has been... well, CRAZY. I started back to work on January 5th and Colin officially started daycare that day. Starting back to work was not as difficult as I thought it would be because I had plenty to keep me busy that first week. I think Colin's daycare center also helped make the transition go well for all of us. Let me say I LOVE Colin's teachers. These women (Cindy and Melissa) really make you feel like you are leaving your child with family. They love on him and he just lights up when he sees them. God could not have opened a better door for a place for Colin to stay. The best part is Patrick delivers the mail on that route and gets to stop by and check in on the boy at least a couple times a week. I thank God for providing such a great place for Colin so that I feel better about going back to work.
With all that said after I returned to work Colin got his first cold and then developed a fever. We went to the doctor only to find out that he had RSV and an ear infection. Because I work in the healthcare field when I heard RSV all I could think was "oh no, we are going to end up in the hospital." Luckily Colin was only sick for a couple days and we just got to spend those days in the comfort of our own home. Everyone kept saying that he got it because of daycare, but there are so many other places he could have caught it from. His doctor said RSV has been at its worst this year. Well after the RSV seemed cleared up Colin started being really fussy at night and not wanting to sleep. We went back to the doctor and found out his ear infection was now in both ears! Luckily the meds worked quick and he seems to be feeling much better. Patrick and I just keep laughing and reminding ourselves that this is what comes with being parents. We have to find humor in all of this because with little sleep getting frustrated would only make things worse.
You would not know that Colin has not felt good though. He is smiling and laughing all the time. He laughs out loud for us to hear and is practicing on his "o" and "r" sounds. He loves to talk to you and smile. At his daycare they have ribbons with butterflies that hang from the ceiling and this is Colin's favorite area. He lays there and watches the butterflies fly around and just talks to them. Colin has discovered his hands and feet and works them all the time! He is so precious!
2009 may have started out with sickness and transition, but it has been the best year already. We are so blessed to have our beautiful baby boy (who is almost 14 lbs now)! Time is flying by, but we are enjoying every second! We love all of you and pray that God will bless you in so many ways this year!